Water heating rebates and offers

Save big on energy-efficient water heating systems

Upgrading from an older, less-efficient water heating system can lower your energy bills and improve your overall energy efficiency. To help you bring a more energy-efficient water heater into your home, PSE offers rebates on several types of quality equipment.

Current PSE water heating system rebates include:

Heat pump water heater
Heat pump water heater
Tankless water heater
Natural gas tankless water heater

These rebates apply to existing single family properties only. Single-family new construction, multifamily (five or more attached units) and commercial accounts are not eligible. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.

For rebates for multifamily buildings, apartments or condos, 点击 在这里.

For rebates for businesses and commercial accounts, 点击 在这里.

For rebates for manufactured homes, 点击 在这里.

To learn more about PSE’s 效率 Boost program that provides increased rebates for income-qualified customers, 点击 在这里.

income-qualified higher rebates
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Or call 1-800-562-1482.

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